How to give up smoking


Giving up smoking is usually considered to be one of the hardest dependencies to break.

Although some evidence suggests that for some individuals it can be facile, the public belief is, at least, that quitting a extensive smoking habit is one of the most difficult actions you can do.

For this reason there exists a huge industry built up around nicotine cessation therapy and nicotine replacement drugs. This industry has been built up by some of the world’s biggest and most powerful drug corporations.

However, if you wish to give up smoking you could be better off paying no heed to the multi-billion dollar advertising campaigns and contemplate and more pure alternative as an aid to give up nicotine.

Many people have described stunning outcomes from hypnosis. Since the smoking habit is one that is lodged emphatically in the subconscious mind, the attempts of a qualified hypnotherapist may finish in the breaking of this dependence. What's more smokers can in actual fact learn to hypnotize themselves to quit smoking cigarettes.


A further ingredient in the battle against smoking is the smoker's attitude. A spirited longing and single-mindedness to quit smoking cigarettes will help someone giving up.

Putting pics of one’s family inside the pack of cigarettes has reportedly assistted. As has retaining one or two cigarettes in one’s pocket after having given up. The presence of temptation that is not given in to gives the smoker rational ability and faith needed to continue the battle.


As mentioned before, smoking is a dependency and when stopping a habit you are better off replacing the dependence with something else.

So ex-smokers are told to begin or increase working out or to begin a new course of healthy eating to counteract the loss of the addiction of smoking.

There are also many organic treatments that can help.


Oats can lessen blood pressure as well as give the body with a large quantity of nutrients. This helps the patient’s nervous system as well as reduces anxiety.


St. John’s wort is a herbal cure whose characteristics have been noted for ages. It can unwind you and therefore counteract the bad feelings connected with giving up nicotine. It can also help with detoxing the body.

So, smokers should be aware of the many alternatives to the high-priced chemical remedies recommended by the rich drug companies. As a matter of fact some people actually give up naturally rather than by using pharmaceutical aids.